Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Shackeltons E-Interview Pt. 4: Justin

And now part four of the Loveless Records blog interviews The Shackeltons.  This time we will be hearing from none other than Justin McDaniel, the band's bassist.

When did the band form and how did you all meet?
2003 or 2004... i think, im not good with dates.
I met mark and eric when my brother tried out for the band, when they had another name, i knew sean for shows around chambersburg. And i've never met dan in real life...

Where does the name of the band come from?
The great artic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton

Who are your biggest musical influences?
Can, The Cravats, Faust, This Heat, Omega Tribe, Wildildlife

Do you have any other major influences? Personal? Political? Literary?
Other people are a big influence, maybe not musically, but i've seen a lot of people mess up in life and it certainly has had an effect on how i live mine.

Is this something you’ve all always wanted to do, or were there other things you were set on becoming, like pilots or…acrobats?
When i was real little i wanted to be a bunch of things and never really pursued any of them, until i learned how to play guitar. As far as "careers" go this is the only thing i could ever imagine myself doing.

What was the weirdest thing to ever happen to you guys on tour?
When we played in Indianapolis once only 2 people showed up. iIt wasn't weird as much as it was frustrating.

Any creepy, crazy or stalker-ey fans yet?
I hope not...

Have you ever written any songs that you are truly embarrassed by now?
Maybe alone in my room but not in the band.

If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Wildildlife's "Six". It's what i always listen to when i can't make up my mind. I decided the other day that it is my 2nd favorite album of all time.

If your music was a shape, what would it be?
I slept through geometry...

If you were to do some crazy unrelated side project, what would it sound like?
Some weird psychedelic drone/stoner music mixed with post-rock stuff like Do Make Say Think but much heavier and a lot of noise experimentation

Favorite band that you’ve played a show with?
Skeletonbreath... they is the shit!

If you could have any superpower, what would it be, and why?
Teleportation would be pretty bad ass. That way i could sleep later.

What is your dream show to play (who would you play with, and where)?
Wildildlife, Skeletonbreath, and us in some crowded basement.

Is there anything else you would like to declare to your public?
uhh... hows it going?

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