Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Faces in the P-I

Yesterday's "City of Music" event was a success!  If you didn't come, here's what you missed
-Some Austin Powersesque dancin'
-Some people talkin' (The Mayor, folks from KEXP and Subpop)
-Blue Scholars
-A marching band playing a Jimi Hendrix tune
-Free Stuff (New Faces Posters, Event Posters, Jones Soda, etc)
-Saying hi to the interns at the merch table.

New Faces performed a killer three-song ("Impulse", "Cracks" and "Miss Kiss Kiss Bang Bang") set to a crowd of about 500 of Seattle's musically concerned citizens.
The Seattle P-I covered the event, and New Faces are featured in their article and photos!
To read about the event, Click Here
And to see their pictures, Click Here. (They're in photos 9, 11, 12, 13, and 19)

More pictures to come. Thanks to everyone that made it!

1 comment:

TRA said...

Fantastic blog, Put some information about piano teaching and singing seattle